So friends, today was kinda awesome. Remember how I wanted to put my acting career first? Guess what happened today. I auditioned to replace an actress at 11AM, was cast at 11:45AM, rehearsed 12-5, and basically was told the following. 1) I am going to be paid (yes, cross that off my 2012 goal list), 2) for publicity my face will be on a bus. WHAT?! A BUS?!!!!! I feel like Carrie Bradshaw, I just need a tutu and champagne (no mud please). 3) I am privileged to work with 3 amazing actresses who are pretty big deals. 4) I'm the lead an have 5 rehearsals before an audience sees me-AHHH!!! So I'm super duper stoked. Big time producers, directors, agents, actors are coming to see the show. AHHHH!!!! So excited/nervous. Thank goodness I have my family & friends to stop my major freak out session & remind me to breathe and get to work memorizing lines!
The only downside is that the show I was stage managing is now going to be without a stage manager. I feel bad because I committed to that project and I am friends with the director. I feel really horrible about it all. I am seeking out a replacement so if you live in LA let me know if you want the gig. It pays and the people are awesome!
So today was a pretty big deal. Things are starting to move acting wise for me. SO SO SO grateful for my friend who talked me up and got me the audition. He is a true gentleman and friend. So grateful for the opportunity & that I was ready when it came knocking! :D
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