Friday, July 22, 2011

Sunny (again? it's So Cal-get used to it!) With a Chance of FABULOUS!


The following is rocking my socks right now:

Colonel Mustard puppy-ness
Getting to work for and earn 3 SAG vouchers-YAY!!!
Joey making dinner & buying me a surprise Mexican coke
Yummy vegan hoison mustard tofu lettuce wraps
chatting with good friends
Frankenstand & their raising money for Benji
talking acting with good friends in the business
making myself let it go so I don't stress as much
planning a trip to visit friends in Vegas over Labor Day
snuggling & watching The Simpsons before bed
ceiling fans instead of the A.C.
dogs chewing ice
noon vodka cranberry sneaky cocktails
interviews where people are impressed by my skillzzz
and hanging out at home on a Friday with my boys!

Have a great weekend chickens! Hopefully there'll be LOADS to blog about next week :)