Hello Chick-a-dees!!!
I have been so busy! So here goes...
-didn't hear back about the play-assuming after the weird comment about being so talented whether cast me or not kinda tipped me off.
-Auditioned on Saturday for fckh8.com, felt AWESOME about it, knew they really liked me especially after I told them that as a 6' redhead I had sass for days. My gays love a sassy red-head & I am more than happy to oblige! :D
-RAN up highland to the TCM Classic Film Festival immediately after the fckh8.com audition. Made it just in time to see Citizen Kane at Grauman's Chinese! SO AMAZING. Then Joe & I shuffled into the stand-by line for Breakfast at Tiffany's at Grauman's Chinese-got in-HOORAY! Got to see Julie Andrews and Robert Osborne do a talk on the director (& Julie's hubby) Blake Edwards. She was amazing & hearing her talk about how Blake was-it was just AMAZING. B at T's was made to watch on the big screen I tell ya what! Joe & I took LOADS of pics too so enjoy those!!
-Sunday wrote a ton on my screenplay-Save the Cat by Blake Snyder, cannot rave enough about this series for anybody wanting to write a screenplay. Felt crazy accomplished after finishing my beat sheet!
-got a call that I booked the fckh8.com commercial & that it filmed Monday
-went to my writer's group, went great
-Monday went to work at 8am, left at 11am for the fckh8.com shoot, the studio was little but adorable, however with the filming going on the a.c. had to be off and in 90 degree LA heat it was needless to say a bit toasty, so I get to the back to film and the shirt I am asked to wear is a purple v-neck that says fckh8 (it was an x-small so it was ALL cleavage!). I had a few lines, half of which were done in a mock southern accent (sorry to my southern friends-acting!) and the other half I was super happy, peppy, bouncy (boobs) girl. There were loads of kids there, a fab drag queen named Venus, and a few other random folks. I am excited to see how it all comes together & to share it with you all! Also I am excited to stand up & be part of a cause that I hold so dear!
-I got back to work at 1pm and stayed til 7pm-LONG day! Felt great to work on camera though & I got my t-shirt from the shoot to keep & got paid ($20). Pretty great day!
-Been doing my plate on livestrong.com & I think I am finally starting to slowly take off the extra weight from when I used to be on the pill years ago. HURRAY! It's actually a pretty cool site. I can keep track of my Vitamin D (I am CRAZY deficient!) and what I eat, drink, & how I exercise. Pretty great.
-I fly to Midland for my little sister's college graduation this weekend-I FEEL SOOOOOO OLD!!! My baby brother turns 21 on 5/13/11-when did I get so old, seriously? It's crazy to me how the time flies! I just got a lecture from my other sister about my bf & I not being married after being together for 5+ years & how I'm crazy for being an actor. Just made me feel even older...
Other than all this it's been really busy at work, plus my lil puppy is still a lil devil-butt but we love him, the bf is busy with PhD-ing it up, and well it is hotter than crap here! I am not a hot weather person and anything above 80 makes me want to die-it's been 90's! BOOOOO!! I know for those of you that are in the chillier weather still I sound like a big fat jerk but I am a day-glo red-head, hot = misery! :(
So hope all is well with you chickens! I will try to update more often, just been a busy lil gal! :D